On 18-19 October 2024, Khon Kaen University (KKU), Prince of Songkla University (PSU), and Chiang Mai University (CMU) came together under their collaborative network established through the Memorandum of Understanding for the Knowledge and Cultural Exchange Tradition Event. The event highlighted the sharing of experiences and successes from various activities across their faculties and departments. Key representatives from each university were featured, including:
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Thakerng Wongsirichot, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs, PSU,
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinchai Kamolphiwong, Director of the Digital Innovation and Intelligent Systems Institute, PSU
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Chinnapong Angsuchotmetee, Assistant Director for Digital Integration and Social Engagement, PSU
- Asst. Prof. Denpong Soodphakdee, Vice President for Education and Digital, KKU
- Dr. Kitt Tientanopajai, Assistant to the President for Education, KKU
- Assoc. Prof. Usanee Kumprakob, Vice President, CMU
- Assoc. Prof. Juggapong Natwichai, Director of the Information Technology Service Center, CMU
These representatives shared valuable insights and led discussions, highlighting the collaborative potential of TDX in streamlining digital communications and enhancing the exchange of information between the three universities.
Thailand Document Exchange, or TDX, is a platform developed through the collaboration of the three universities, connecting their document exchange systems and enhancing the efficiency, speed, and security of inter-university document transfers.
Additionally, TDX supports sustainable organizational practices across environmental, social, and administrative dimensions. By minimizing paper usage and reducing unnecessary resources, it helps reduce environmental impact. The system also promotes transparency by ensuring equal access to documents and facilitating seamless data exchange, fostering enhanced collaboration and information sharing. Moreover, TDX enables the universities to efficiently monitor and manage document exchanges while strictly adhering to relevant data management laws and standards.
Dr. Thakerng highlighted that Thailand's first email was sent from PSU by Professor Robert Elz to the University of Melbourne. Building on this historic legacy, the TDX system, also known as the e-Document system, was developed through the collaboration of the three universities. This innovative system facilitates the seamless exchange of electronic documents between universities. The first cross-university e-Document exchange occurred during the event, marking a significant milestone. Moving forward, the three universities will continue to use and expand this system in a collaborative effort.
Asst. Prof. Denpong shared that the TDX initiative began in 2023 during the 7th Knowledge Exchange Tradition event hosted by Chiang Mai University. The three universities worked together to design and develop a functional system, which was successfully implemented during the 8th event. Initially, the system will be shared among the three universities, with plans to extend its usage to other organizations in the future. The initiative also aims to drive progress toward achieving TDX Certification, with the goal of enabling document systems across both public and private sectors in Thailand to connect and integrate with TDX.
Meanwhile, Assoc. Prof. Juggapong emphasized that TDX is a product of strong collaboration among the three universities. The TDX system is more than just a platform for communication or the exchange of electronic official documents; it offers a wide array of functionalities. Furthermore, it holds great potential for expansion, allowing other organizations across the country to benefit from its use.
Through this collaboration, TDX is now ready to elevate document exchange to a national level. The system streamlines processes, enhances convenience, and ensures efficient and reliable exchanges across all universities. Looking ahead, TDX will play an important role in making inter-university document exchange seamless nationwide. It provides secure access, trusted document verification, standardized storage, and contributes to a reduced environmental footprint. TDX is truly an essential tool for the digital era, promoting speed, transparency, and sustainability in academic and organizational communication.